Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wanted: A President Who Is Smarter Than I Am

So many of the articles I read online question what virtues the average American is looking for in his or her president. There is often discussion as to whether the people want a really intelligent guy or one who is a "man of the people"....someone to identify with, sit down and shoot the bull. Many folks claim to want the kind of leader we could all sit down and have a beer with.

Well, count me out.

I don't want a fellow who is just one of us. "Us" is in a bad way at the moment. "Us" is up to our eyeballs in debt, in a pointless war, short on health insurance and good jobs. In other words, "Us" is sort of screwed right now and don't have a clue how to get "us" back on track.

I don't want to be the one to throw stones, folks, but this state of affairs came about because we have had two full terms of a president that lots of my fellow Americans thought would be a great guy to sit down and have a beer with.....
figuratively, of course, since he is a dry alcoholic.

This time out, I want to choose our president the same way we would choose our financial advisor, our surgeon, our teachers. You never hear people saying that they want a financial advisor or doctor they can have a beer with.

We don't care about the personalities of those who are performing vital services for us. My stockbroker can be a total jerk, my brain surgeon can a most unpleasant guy. No problem...just deliver on what you said you could do for me.....make me money, make me well.

I want the next president to be smart,certainly smarter than I am. I want someone who has a better idea of how to turn the country around than I do. The problems that the United States faces today loom large over all of us. I want a person who can start the fix. I'm not looking for a beer-drinking buddy. I don't drink, and even if I did, I can guarantee you that I will never be invited to have a beer with the next president, or any president for that matter.

So, as a nation, let's start thinking like good consumers. Let's demand the best of the best. Let's not let the media or the parties allow us to become embroiled in some side issues, or a discussion of which candidate seems like the nicer guy.
Let's get the most bang for our votes. Let's elect a president who is smarter than we are. Future generations of Americans will thank us.

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